In 2025, signatory countries to the Paris Agreement must submit their next round of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC). These commitments are expected to focus on carrying out a transition away from fossil fuels in energy systems and promoting the incorporation of renewable energies into energy matrices, in addition to prioritising energy efficiency worldwide by 2030.
Financing is a key element both for the preparation and implementation of the NDC in general, and for the development of the energy transition in particular. In this context, this document evaluates the status and quality of implementation of three policy instruments linked to the financing of renewable energies for the energy transition in Argentina: the Fund for the Development of Renewable Energy (FODER), the Fund for the Distributed Generation of Renewable Energy (FODIS) and, finally, the Renewable Energy Project in Rural Markets (PERMER).
The challenges presented by each of these instruments are shown throughout this paper. Institutional instability, operational problems, reduction of faculties, under-execution of resources, elimination and removal of funds, among others, affect the efficiency of each of these instruments in the fulfillment of their objectives.
In order to promote renewable energies and increase their participation in Argentina’s energy matrix, leaving fossil fuels behind, it is necessary to rethink the current regulations, instruments and energy policies. This must be done not only to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and comply with the country’s international commitments, but also to ensure continuous, fair and affordable access to energy for the entire population, taking into account the predominant role that energy plays in our society and way of life.