The current climate emergency is the biggest threat to human survival that we have faced so far. In this context highlighted by urgency and uncertainty, it is particularly important that the G20 functions as a place of discussion and debate for the main decision makers of the world when it comes to global climate governance.
Based on the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and placing their actions under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the G20 has addressed the climate change problem in the successive presidencies, and new specific working groups have been created, both within the Sherpa Track1 and within the Finance Track, which shows that the interest to fight against climate change has gained strength and importance throughout the years.
This report, published in april 2024, analyzes the way climate change has been addressed as a subject of the G20 agenda. It focuses on the way the need for climate f inance has been approached and on the established link between climate finance and energy, according to the declarations made by the G20 leaders at different meetings.