The event took place in La Trastienda and was attended by personalities from different sectors. It was hosted by journalist Sergio Elguezabal. Felix Diaz, Chief of the Qom Community, received an award for his struggle for environmental and indigenous people rights.
There was also a panel discussion on politics, public opinion and the environmental agenda in Argentina, with the participation of Magdalena Odarda (National Senator), Ernesto Cussianovich (Associated Director of Poliarquía Consultores) and Daniel Ryan (Director of the Global Change at FARN)
The presentation was held at La Trastienda. Over 300 people attend the event. The Report contains articles addressing the main environmental issues facing Argentina, including: climate change, energy, fracking, mining, Riachuelo, glaciers, forests, waste, agrochemicals, soy production and watersheds.
During the presentation, Felix Diaz received a recognition for his struggle in defense of environmental and indigenous people rights in Argentina. This award, given by FARN, is an acknowledgment that seeks to highlight those who work and struggle daily for environment and sustainable development.
The Report also incorporates a new chapter called “Sustainability, the political system and environmental citizenship”, which includes articles analyzing the environmental agenda in relation to public opinion, political parties and work of Congress since the return to democracy in 1983.
In addition, FARN’s Environmental Report continues to deepen its work in building information and indicators for better participation and control of public environmental issues, a key aspect that contributes to the idea of Open Government.
Andres Napoli, Executive Director of FARN, stated during his presentation that “despite the public protests, demonstrations and legal actions undertaken by citizens, environmental issues remain distant from the public agenda. Because of this, it is fundamentally critical to maintain support for an environmental agenda that, beyond the measures that may be materialized at the government level, will continue to depend on the level of participation and involvement of the citizenry. “
During the event, it was also given the Schiffrin Award to innovative projects involving social, environmental, and economic sustainability. It is worth noting that the first edition of the Shiffrin Award was in 2002, and it is the oldest prize featured in Argentina on this matter.
The Report includes not only the results of the research and analysis performed by researchers and professionals working at FARN, but also it contains contributions from well-known experts with whom FARN works through its network.
FARN´s annual Environmental Report and was first published in 2009. The aim of this book is to promote discussion and debate on the major environmental policy and sustainability issues in Argentina and the region.
For high resolution photos of the event send an email to
Federico Sangalli, Press and Comunication FARN / (011) 15-4070-0397
Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales
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